Dr. Abhilasha Narayan

Gynaec Oncology
Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd

Dr. Abhilasha Narayan

Dr. Abhilasha Narayan - Gynaec Oncology in Bengaluru, India


Dr. Abhilasha has specialized in Gynaec-Oncology and her primary interest is in treating Cervical Cancer & secondary interest in Preventive Oncology. She is trained in Colposcopy, administering Chemotherapy and palliative care management of cancer patients. She has a Fellowship in Gynaec Oncology from Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore. Dr. Abhilasha has presented many scientific research papers and has won Young Gynaec Oncologist award for a paper presentation in 2011 at the annual conference conducted by AGOI (Association of Gynaec Oncologists of India). She also has coauthored and published case reports and research papers in both national and international journals.

Notable Publications by Dr. Abhilasha Narayan:

  • Primary Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube: A Review of a Single Institution Experience of 8 cases. Scientific World Journal, Vol 2014, Article ID 630731.
  • Role of cytoreductive surgery and adjuvant taxane with platinum based chemotherapy in treatment of ovarian malignant mixed mullerian tumor (carcinosarcoma): An experience at a regional cancer centre.
  • Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, 2013 sept ;34(34);1627-163
  • Primary ovarian adenosarcoma with elevated Ca 125 levels and normal ascetic fluid cytology: A case report and review of literature. ecancer medical sciences. ecancer 2012, 6;284 D 01: 10.3332/ecancer.2012.284
  • Primary Yolk Sac tumor of the endometrium: A rare entity. Indian Journal of Cancer, December 2014; Vol 51:446.

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