Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery,
- D. Physician - Rostov State Medical University. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
- DNB Ortho (CPS-Mumbai)- College of physician and Surgeons of Mumbai (Ramakrishna medical research centre , Nasik-Maharashtra) )
- DNB (Orthopedic) - Diplomat of National Board (National board of examinations, Delhi)
- Spine Fellow (Bombay) - Lilavati Hospital and Research centre , Bombay under Dr.Vinod Agrawal in the department of spine surgery
- Spine Fellow (Germany) - Shoen Klinik, Neustad-In-Holstein, Germany under Prof.Henry Halm in the department of Spine Surgery
- He is Head of Department of Spinal Surgery at The Kanba Hospital, Ahmedabad.
- 3 Years experienced as Spine Surgeon at Ahmedabad.
- He has experienced of more than 3000 Spine surgeries and more than 25,000 out patients of Spine related problem.