- Over 25 years of exemplary surgical experience and an exclusive breast oncoplastic practice with extensive experience in treating breast cancer. Pioneered the establishment of mul t i dis c ip l ina r y br ea st c anc er management and oncoplastic breast surgery in her practice. Extensively traveled to and treated patients from East African countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and Ethiopia.Regular participation in national and international academic meetings and conferences as faculty.
- MS, General Surgery, Mumbai
- Awarded the prestigious Rowan Nick Scholarship by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Australia
- International Fellowship in Breast Surgery, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
- Oncoplastic Masterclass, Ecole Europe enne de Chirurgie, Paris
Assistant Professor for Surgery B J Medical College and Civil Hospital Ahmedabad for 6 years
Senior Consultant & Program lead, Breast Surgery at Apollo Hospitals International ltd and Apollo CBCC Cancer, Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar for16 years.
PG teacher for Surgery and DNB Surgical Oncology.
Multidisciplinary breast cancer treatment Oncoplastic breast saving surgeries and sentinel node biopsies
Skin and nipple-saving surgeries mastectomies with flap and implant-based reconstruction.
Stereotactic and guided procedures Screening and diagnosis of breast cancer Treatingbenignbreast disorders