Onco-Ortho Surgeon, Management of Benign & Malignant Bone & Soft-Tissue Sarcoma,
- B.B.S
- S. Ortho
- Fellow TMH (Mumbai)
- Fellow GCRI (Ahmedabad)
- Worked as Consultant Orthopedic Onco- Surgeon at Ahmedabad
- He is Head of Department of Orthopedic Onco- Surgeon at The Kanba Hospital, Ahmedabad.
- Speciality: Management of Benign & Malignant Bone & Soft-Tissue Sarcoma
- Basic Trauma Management
- Management of Complex Fractures
- Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty, Total Hip Arthroplasty, Acetabular Surgeries, Spinal Surgeries.
- Assisted and performed various types of bone and soft tissue tumour surgeries.