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    Yashoda group of hospitals provides quality healthcare for national and international patients in their diverse medical needs. We have 3 Independent Hospitals, 3 Heart Institues, 3 Cancer Institutes, 1700 Beds, 62 Medical Specialities and 700 Specialist Doctors. We do approx. 100,000 Major Surgeries per Year and 200,000 Surgical Procedures per Year.
    Yashoda Heart Institute
    Yashoda Heart Institute offers comprehensive, multi-disciplinary programmes For the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Cardiological and Cardiothoracic condit ions. The Institute is a synergy of state-of-the-art Facilities, top doctors, technology, best practices in non-invasive, interventional and surgical procedures and comprehensive emergency services. Innovative and scientiAcally based treatments For heart diseases have always been the hallmark of Yashoda Heart Institute.
    Angiography (24 hrs) I Angioplasty / Stents (24 hrs) I Electrophysiology E AICD I RadioFrequency Ablation I Pacemaker Implantation I Balloon Valvuloplasty I Carotid E Renal Stenting I Paediatric Interventions I PDA, ASD, VSD Closures I Peripheral Vascular Interventions I Echocardiography I Transesophageal Echo I Treadmill Test I Dobutamine Stress Echo I Holter Monitoring I Lipid Clinic I Diet/ Weight-loss Program I Peripheral Vascular Clinic I Cardiac Arrhythmia Clinic I Pacemaker Clinic I Heart Failure Clinic I Heart Transplantation Center
    ACHIEVEMENTSMore than 20,000 cardiac procedures every year I First Inter-State Heart transplantation in the region I Leader in minimally invasive cardiac surgeries I Leading Center of Excellence For Heart-Lung Transplantations I Dedicated Heart Rhythm Clinic I PTE procedures in Pulmonary Embolism in collaboration with surgeons of Duke University, USA I World-class Facilities For Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs), Pacemaker and ICDs implantations
    Yashoda Cancer Institute
    Yashoda Cancer Institute has grown to become one of the Centers of Excellence in India . With three dedicated, and independent units (Somajiguda, Secunderabad E Malakpet), Yashoda Cancer Institute caters to cancer patients From India and all around the world . The emphasis is on combining all modalities of treatment in the right combination to achieve the best results, while minimizing the side effects.
    The strength of the Cancer Institute lies in its ability to offer all treatment modalities under one roof. With a team of specialists in medical, surgical, robotics and radiation treatment, it provides care to the most of the cancer condit ions .
    Medical Oncology: Chemotherapy (Out-patient and In-patient) I Blood and Component Transfusion I Paracentesis I Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy I Lumbar Puncture I Psycho-Oncology Clinic I Palliative Care I Genetic Counseling I Targeted Chemotherapy I High Dose Chemotherapy with Stem Cell Support I Stem Cell Transplantation
    Surgical Oncology: Breast, Gynaecologic Oncology and Skin and Soft-tissue Sarcoma I Head and Neck Oncology IGastrointestinal Oncology I Ura-Oncology I Neuro-Oncology I Orthopaedic Oncology
    Robotic Oncology : Yashoda Cancer Institute leverages on the latest da Vinci Surgical System and performs advanced oncology procedures
    Radiation Oncology: RapidArc based Stereotactic Radio-surgery in the treatment of Arteriovenous Malfunction I 40 gated RapidArc For the treatment of moving tumors I High Dose True Beams to eradicate cranial/extra cranial tumors using 4- Dimensional image guided gated RapidArc based SRS/SBRT I Triple F Radiosurgery with 40 imaging For hypo-Fractionated stereotactic treatments
    Treated the World’s largest number(lOOOO) of cancer patients with RapidArcTechnology I First in world to use RapidArc based Stereo tactic Radio-surgery in the treatment of Arteriovenous Malfunction I First in India to implement 40 gated RapidArc For the treatment of moving tumors I First to introduce the Triple Radiosurgery (Series Linear Accelerator)
    The Institute of Liver Transplant
    The Institute of Liver Transplant and Hepatobiliary Diseases includes Multi- disciplinary Liver Transplant Team, and dedicated Liver Intensive Care Units (LICU) that help to accomplish Complex Hepatobiliary Surgeries. The Institute provides comprehensive treatments For diseases oFthe hepatobiliary system.
    Liver: LiverTumors – Cancers oFthe Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Metastatic Colorectal Cancer, Neuroendocrine Cancer, other Metastatic Tumors. Benign Liver Lesions – Non-cancerous or pre- cance rous, Hepatic Cyst, Hemangioma, Adenoma and Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH).
    Pancreas: Pancreatic Cancer, Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis, Pseudocyst and Cystic Neoplasms (Mucinous Cystic Neoplasms, Serous Cystic Neoplasms and lntraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm s).
    Bile Ducts and Gallbladder:Gallstones, Stricture, Leaks, Gallbladder Cancer, Bile Duct Cancer(Cholangiocarcinoma).
    The Institute specializes in complex hepatobiliary surgeries with advanced liver reconstructions, vascular reconstructions and surgery For portal hypert ension . Our liver transplantation services include :

    • Living Donor Liver Transplantation (In case oF a decompensated liver disease in all age groups, Liver tumors in cirrhotic patients, Acute on chronic liver Failures, Acute liver Failures, and Combined liver-kidney transplantation)
    • Deceased Donor Liver Transplantation (In case oF acute and chronic liver Failure in all age groups). Special protocols For Transplantation (Cadaveric Split Liver Transplantation, ABO Incompatible Liver Transplantation 8; Swap Liver Transplant at ion).

    Team with experience oFover2OOO Liver Transplants.
    The centre of Orthopaedics
    The Center For Orthopaedics offers the most comprehensive health care systems and virtually all oF the Finest, latest treatments, technologies and services comparable to the best available .
    Comprehensive treatments are provided For diseases and conditions oFShoulder ff Elbow, Hand ff Wrist, Thigh, Knee ff Lower Leg, Foot ff Ankle, Neck ,Back, Arthritis, and Osteoporosis ff Metabolic Bone Disease.
    Arthroscopic surgery
    Key hole surgery For disorders oF the knee, shoulder, elbow and ankle I Trauma and Fracture surgery I High quality Swiss ‘AO’ systems help stabilize Fractures I Image intensifier, confirms perFect Fracture Fixations I llizarov and External Fixation Device IManagement oF open Fractures I lnFected non-union oF long bones I Limb lengthening I Correction oF deformities I Fusion oF joint s.
    Joint replacements
    Total hip replacement I Total knee replacement I Total shoulder replacement I Total elbow replacement I Wrist replacement IHand joint (small) replacement surgery I Ankle joint replacement I Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery [MIKRSl.
    Spinal surgery
    Disc surgery I Micro surgery For disc I Fixation systems For Fractures I Surgery For correction oFspinal deformities I Surgery For spinal tuberculosis I Endoscopic spine surgery .
    The Center oF Excellence in Orthopaedics at Yashoda Hospitals is one oF the leading centers in the country treating the Full spectrum oF musculoskeletal diseases and injuries with world renowned orthopaedic surgeons performing high numbers oF Minimally Invasive Surgeries and High Flexion Knee Replacements.
    Multi Organ TransplantYashoda Hospitals has experience and expertise in perForming multi-organ transplant procedures . Our Centers oF Excellence adopt comprehensive evaluation and multi-disciplinary approach to Kidney, Liver, Heart, Lung and Bone marrow transplants and provides exceptional outcomes, high patient survival rates, and Fewer heart biopsies.
    The Center brings together the experience and expertise oF qualiAed and experienced nephrologists and urologists in the country to ensure the best possible treatment and care For the patients.
    LIVER TRANSPLANTSThe Center provides comprehensive and highest quality Live Donor and Deceased (cadaveric) Donor Liver Transplant at ions. The team at the Institute has experience oFover2000 liver transplants.
    HEART TRANSPLANTSThe Institute provides excellent outcomes and care For some oF the most difficult cases . Senior consultants and cardiac surgeons recommend heart transplants For patients suFFering From end stage heart diseases .
    LUNG TRANSPLANTSYashoda Hospitals manages one oFthe most successFul thoracic transplant programs in the region. Our lung transplant team includes experienced transplant pulmonologists and cardiothoracic surgeons . The Center is recognized For performing the First Lung Transplant in the region .
    The Center is managed by a team oFhighly skilled E qualiAed doctors who Follow novel therapeutic approaches For better and improved t reat m ent . The Center is Fully committed to the advancement oF haematopoietic stem cell transplant procedures I Rare and complex procedures For severe blood disorders and cancers I Performed the First Haplo-ldentical Bone Marrow Transplant in the region .
    Institute oF Robotic Sciences
    Yashoda Hospitals – Institute oF Robotic Sciences presents the da Vinci Surgical System, the dawn oF new age in minimally invasive surgery. Theda Vinci Surgical System powered by state-oF-the-art robotic technology is changing the experience oF surgery For people around the world . The system allows our surgeon’s commands to be scaled , Altered and translated into precise movements of micro-instruments within the operative site.Theda Vinci System enhances surgical capabilities by enabling the performance oFeven the most complex surgeries through very small incisions with unmatched precision . It promotes improved medical outcomes and greater patient safety .

    • The 1st team in the states oF Telangana and Andhra Pradesh to start Robotic Surgery
    • The Institute oFRobotic Sciences has the team that holds the honour oFhaving performed the largest number oFsuccessFul robotic surgeries in the states oF Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
    • Skilled professionals
    • Full integration systems and cutting-edge medical equipment.
    • Rehabilitation Services Department
    • 24/7 Pharmacy
    • 24/7 Emergency
    • Bone Marrow Transplantation
    • IVF and Infertility
    • Gastroenterology
    • Cardio-Thoracic
    • Oncology
    • Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery
    • Orthopedic
    • Neurosurgery
    • Gynecology
    • Dermatology & Cosmetology
    • Nephrology
    • Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
    • Organ Transplants
    • Hematology
    • Obstetrics & Gynaecology
    • Hepatology
    • Vascular Surgery
    • Liver Transplant
    • Oncology
    • Bone Marrow Transplantation


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