Liver Transplant the Most Dependable Treatment to Get Rid of Liver Failure

dpadmin Livontaglobal

A liver transplant, often known as a hepatic transplant, plays an imperative role in your life when your liver no longer works properly. This life-saving treatment involves surgical removal of your entire or a part of your liver. Your diseased liver is replaced with the healthy liver of a living or deceased donor. A liver transplant is the last option for chronic (long-term) and acute liver diseases. When traditional treatments are unable to cure your liver condition, the doctors often recommend a liver transplant. You may consult with Livonta Global (a well-known medical tourism company) for liver transplant in India.

Having a wholesome liver is crucial to longevity because your liver is responsible for many prime functions including the removal of toxins, blood filtration, protein synthesis, and many more.

Why are liver transplants required?

According to the American Liver Foundation, nearly 8,000 liver transplant surgeries are performed every year in the United States of America.

When a person is suffering from end-stage liver disease, the doctors may recommend a liver transplant. Otherwise, the person will die with this prolonged liver issue. The doctors often suggest a liver transplant if other conventional treatments for liver disease aren’t sufficient to keep a person alive.

Liver transplants are the last option for chronic liver disease or if liver failure happens due to a sudden condition. Liver Cirrhosis is the most common cause for adults who need liver transplants. In liver cirrhosis, your healthy liver tissues are replaced with scarred tissues. Causes of cirrhosis include:

· Alcohol abuse
· Chronic hepatitis B or Hepatitis C
· Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
· Autoimmune hepatitis
· Biliary atresia (a common liver disease for new-born)
· Metabolic disorders

After your primary blood tests and other health reports, a medical team is formed. This team considers other factors when determining if you need a liver transplant. These include:

· How serious is your condition?
· Do you have other medical conditions?
· A history of tuberculosis and other chronic infections like HIV.
· Your overall health conditions
· Your mental well-being
· How supportive are your family members and friends?

Before conducting a liver transplant, a doctor will decide whether the surgery will be successful and will improve your condition or not. If a person has other chronic health issues, then he may not be a likely transplant candidate because other conditions may affect the success of a liver transplant.

If a person has cancer that has spread to other parts of the body or has severe heart problems, then the doctors may not consider liver transplant surgery. For another example, if a person has cirrhosis due to alcoholism, his ability to quit drinking is evaluated as part of the transplant planning.

When your liver can’t function properly, it may cause serious problems in the body and the treatment is almost inevitable. As far as common treatments of the liver are concerned, they are not very successful and can show their effect for a certain period. Lifestyle changes and medications are the most common treatment of liver diseases that people can undergo until the crisis gets severe. So, a liver transplant is the most dependable treatment for a person who is suffering from some major failure issues.

Once you become eligible for a liver transplant, your name will be placed on a national waiting list. Your MELD score (Model of End-Stage Liver Disease score) will decide whether you need an immediate liver transplant or not. Those with the highest scores are sicker, and they are prioritised on the list. A person who is suffering from acute liver disease may be placed near the top of the list.  Because his chance of death could be imminent compared to those with chronic liver conditions.

When a match is found

If you found a donor, then you can go for a quick surgery. The liver can come from a deceased donor who had a healthy liver. Sometimes a donated liver can be used for two recipients. The right side of the donated organ is primarily used in adult recipients, on the other hand, the smaller left side is more often used for children.

Recovering from a liver transplant

After your liver transplantation, you need to stay for 3 weeks in the hospital. During this time, your doctor will evaluate the success of your operation and also prescribe what you need to do at home.

Possible risks and complications of a liver transplant

The greatest risk of a liver transplant is failure. If your body rejects the new liver, the doctors may not find the exact reasons. Some other complications can be,

  •       Bleeding
  •       Damage to the bile ducts
  •       Blood clots
  •       Side effects from medications that are prescribed to allow your immune system to accept the new liver, including high blood sugar from steroids

The doctors always recommend keeping your liver healthy so that you may not suffer any chronic liver disease that will lead to a liver transplant.

If you are prepared for liver transplant surgery, you must get in touch with Livonta Global. Livontal Global will recommend you the best liver hospitals in India where you will get unparalleled treatment for your liver transplant surgery.

To know more details, please visit the official website of Livonta Global or you may email your query, the company will respond to you with the best treatment plan. 

   Liver Transplant Treatment

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