Treating Parkinson’s Disease With Ayurveda
Several nerves join at a point in our body and form a cluster which is present in the nervous or sensory system. Many nerves from different parts of the body join at this one place. The junction is called as Ganglia. The point of contact of multiple nerves not only controls these multiple muscles but also monitors the movement of the body. The junction point of nerves deteriorates in some people’s body, and they start feeling vibrations and tremors at such locations when the limbs are at rest. This is what we call Parkinson’s disease.
Power of Ayurveda is known to the whole world. Ayurveda has cured so many diseases, and Parkinson’s disease also comes in the list. The disease is called Kampavada is Ayurveda. Before understanding the Ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson’s disease in India, let’s have a look at the symptoms of the condition.
What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of The Disease?
The major symptoms that are sufferer might face are as follows:
- The sufferer lacks facial expressions
- Their mind starts working slowly. It responds late to things.
- Physical movements become slow and jerky.
- Their body starts aching, and that’s what makes them feel low energy and tired.
- Muscles become rigid, which hinders the movement of muscles.
- The one who is suffering from the disease will experience extreme tremors and rhythm in the digital extremities.
- Depression can also be a symptom of Parkinson’s disease.
Diet And Lifestyle Changes To Keep It In Control
Diet and lifestyle play an important role in determining an individual’s overall health. You might catch problems with a bad lifestyle, and you can also cut down on your health issues with a better one. Here are some of the diet and lifestyle changes that a person living with Parkinson’s disease must make.
- First of all, you must start avoiding environmental toxins as much as you can. They play a significant role in triggering the disease, and that’s why it is suggested to stay away from it.
- Processed food made with genetically modified ingredients, junk food, and chemical grown plant food must not be part of your diet if you are suffering from the disease.
- The patients of the diseases must strictly cut Vata element contained products from their diet.
- A potent antioxidant Amalaki works wonders if ingested. It slows down oxidation which eventually stops the progress of the disease.
- Specific proteins that aggregate and cause the disease could be disrupted by a component named Curcumin which is present in turmeric.
- Add nuts and walnuts to your diet to nourish your nervous system and help your body get over the disease.
Getting Rid Of It With Ayurveda
Those who are looking for Parkinson disease treatment in Ayurveda are surely following the right track. This Indian medicinal term can treat the disease with the help of digestive herbs and tonics. These natural remedies are used to rejuvenate the nerves so that the overall functioning of the body could be improved. The Ayurveda expert will advise a regimen and a specific diet for better results.
Every disease can be cured if you reach the right person for treatment. Find the best Ayurvedic Parkinson’s disease treatment hospital, and you will surely get rid of it soon. Better treatment, if could not eliminate the disease, can at least make it bearable for you.
AyurvedaTags: Ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson's disease in India, Parkinson's Disease With Ayurveda, Treating Parkinson's Disease