Bone Marrow Transplant

Know More About Bone Marrow Transplant Procedure & Its Types

dpadmin Livontaglobal

For many people who are fighting for their lives every day, a bone marrow transplant offers a ray of hope. It is a medical technique that is used to replace bone marrow that has been injured or lost as a result of a disease, infection, or chemotherapy. The blood stem cells are transplanted into the bone marrow, where they make new blood cells and encourage the creation of new marrow.

The red and white blood cells, as well as platelets, are made in the bone marrow, which is a spongy, fatty structure inside your bones. Healthy stem cells are obtained from a donor or your own body during the transplant.

Bone marrow transplant in India is one of the most preferred choices to treat cancer. The transplant process is becoming increasingly common as the number of cancer survivors grows. Its success rate is substantially higher than before, thanks to the employment of cutting-edge technology and new-edge procedures.

Types of bone marrow transplants

Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant

A person’s own stem cells are used in this sort of transplant. They usually entail taking a sample of that person’s cells before starting a potentially harmful treatment like chemotherapy or radiation. Your own cells are reintroduced to your body after treatment. However, it is important to remember that the transplant is only possible if your bone marrow is healthy. Understandably, the bone marrow transplant cost in india is expensive which is why this procedure should be done from reputed hospitals.

Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant

A donor’s cells are used in this type of transplant. The sole requirement is that the donor be a genetic match. As a result, the top BMT doctors advise contacting close relatives in such circumstances. A donor registry, on the other hand, can help you find genetic matches.

In this case, the recipient must undergo an allogeneic transplant since the recipient’s own bone marrow cells are damaged and unable to be utilised. More issues arise as a result of the need to take medications to suppress the immune system so that the body does not fight the new

cells. You may become susceptible to sickness as a result of this. The transplant’s success is determined by how closely the donor’s bone marrow matches your own.

Why the need for Bone Marrow Transplant?

The only reason for a bone marrow transplant is when a person’s morrow isn’t responding normally, which can be caused by chronic infections, illnesses, or cancer therapies.

The following are some of the causes of poor bone marrow:

  • Aplastic anaemia is a condition in which the bone marrow ceases to produce new blood cells.
  • Leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma are cancers that attack the bone marrow.
  • Chemotherapy-induced bone marrow damage
  • Congenital neutropenia is a hereditary condition that results in recurrent infections.
  • Sickle cell anaemia is a blood condition that causes red blood cells to be malformed.
  • Thalassemia is a genetic blood illness in which the body produces an abnormal form of haemoglobin, a component of red blood cells.

   Bone Marrow Transplant Treatment

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